Bentley OpenComms Designer Help


The Place Bundle command places a conduit bundle from or to a previously placed enclosure.

Place a Bundle

  1. From the Placement section of the Duct Tab select Bundle:

  2. The Place Duct Bundle dialog opens:

  3. Select the Type of Bundle and the Wall.
  4. Key in a unique Name for the bundle.
  5. Activate the Post check box to post the bundle name on the map.
  6. Activate the Calculate check box; this allows the function to automatically measure the bundle length on the map. Uncheck the calculate check box if distance needs to be entered manually.
  7. Place the bundle segments and click the right mouse button to complete. If activated, bundle name appears on the cursor for placement on the map. A new enclosure is created. Locate the enclosure on the map at the end of the bundle or click on the right mouse button to set the enclosure angle.
  8. If the bundle is placed on an existing enclosure, a window opens questioning if this is where the link should be made.

    Note: By default, the Duct bundle will always be trimmed out to the edges of the Duct enclosure. If ‘DUCT_NOTRIM’ is desired, the following variable can be added to the macro section of the project schema to disable the bundle trimout. (IF THIS VARIABLE IS DEFINED, EXISTING DUCT MUST BE EXTENDED MANUALLY):